
Convert your tracks to scores for copyright, deputising musicians and general distribution.

Please read instructions on how to upload them.

If you have any questions, please ask us at


Transcription of your music is highly useful and provides important documentation for copyright and distribution purposes or even as a gift for a loved one.  However, it is not widely practiced in contemporary home production.  It will allow deputising musicians and other band members to easily learn, and accurately replicate your original track with minimum fuss.  It can facilitate remixing and understanding problem areas in composition.  A musical manuscript often results in a new perspective and may inspire new ideas or arrangements of your track.

You will be asked to send in your tracks, stating which line(s) you would like transcribed and will receive your score as a PDF file.

We ask you to upload the track you would like transcribing so that we can evaluate it.  We will then give you a quote based upon the length of your track, number of parts you would like transcribing and complexity of the music.  Please be aware that in some cases transcription may not be possible, but you will be notified of this via email.  This is why we strongly recommend and encourage you to upload your track and get in touch before buying the service.  We cannot guarantee full accuracy but will work our hardest to get as close as possible in these situations.  You can see an example of a transcription here.


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